Along with offering high-quality goods to your customers, it’s a source of pride that you ensure those orders are filled and shipped without any delay. Enhance your reputation further by always using custom size shipping boxes that are right for the job. Here are a few benefits that come with choosing the right sizes for your needs.
One has to do with making sure the boxes don’t provide much room for shifting during transit. Even with ample padding, shifting can still cause some damage to anything that’s in the box. Custom sizes that are used for specific goods will reduce the risk of damage and the resulting inconvenience to your customer.
Another point in favor of boxes in custom sizes is that you have more control over your shipping costs. Depending on what you ship, dimensions, as well as weight, might play into the overall cost. By using boxes that are large enough but not too large, you could save a tidy sum in shipping costs over the course of a year.
Storage is another point to keep in mind. Keeping up with orders means ensuring there’s plenty of boxes on hand. If standard sizes aren’t a good fit, there’s no point in allowing them to take up valuable space. Order custom-size shipping boxes that you will use most of the time and there will be little to no storage space wasted.
There are other reasons to invest in custom boxes in the right sizes. Talk with a professional today and learn more about what this option could do for your business.
For more information, please contact Express Packaging at web today.