4 Metrics to Know Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Services Philadelphia, PA

by | Apr 12, 2024 | Marketing Agency

Agencies and marketers use various tools and platforms to promote products and services online. With so many metrics, measuring results can be challenging. Establishing specific KPIs and tracking them on a dashboard allows you to measure your marketing performance against goals. Here are four metrics that top digital marketing services in Philadelphia, PA, use to measure and report results.


A lead is someone strongly interested in what you are selling online. For some companies, a lead is a contact they have already determined to be a potential customer. Others seek new leads to grow their customer base.

Conversion Rate

Conversion metrics show how effectively your PPC ads or landing page turn web visitors into paying customers. If someone clicks on your ad and takes a valuable action, like filling out a form or making a call, that’s a conversion.

Cost Per Lead

Cost per lead (CPL) measures how cost-effective your digital marketing services in Philadelphia, PA, are in generating leads for your sales team. To determine the cost per lead, you divide the cost of your marketing efforts by the total number of leads acquired.

Click-through Rate

Another vital metric is the click-through rate (CTR). It’s the ratio of clicks to views. To calculate the CTR, you divide the number of clicks on your emails or ads by the number of ad impressions. CTR helps you know how enticing or effective your web page is to real visitors.

Do you want to elevate your business online using digital marketing services in Philadelphia, PA? Contact Business Name for a free initial consultation.

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