4 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Law Firm

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Attorney

Are you facing criminal charges? Receive the legal help you need from the best law firms in town. If this is your first time hiring an attorney, consider the following questions. Determine if they’re the ideal choice by going over the list.

Are They Available?

One of the first things you need to confirm is a lawyer’s availability. That should be one of the first things you ask when you reach out to boutique corporate law firms in Singapore. They may be the best but if you have a tight timeframe with your case and they are already booked solid, you’ll need to move on to other law firms.

Who Will Handle My Case?

When you talk to a lawyer, ask if they will handle your case or if someone else from the company will take over. That shouldn’t be a problem if they can provide a skilled, experienced attorney. However, some lesser-known law firms let clients talk to their best attorneys, only to let another lawyer—who isn’t as skilled or experienced—handle the case. Be vigilant. Ask who will take the case and request a consultation with them.

Are Your Goals Clear?

If criminal charges have been filed against you, you’ll need a lawyer to get you out of legal trouble. But if you’re involved in assault crime, road traffic, or drunk driving accident, your goal will depend on several conditions. For instance, your lawyer could help reduce your sentence down to a few hours of community service if no one was hurt and you’re a first-time offender. But if the accident led to fatal consequences, it will be different. So, consider what your goals are, and hire a lawyer that can help you achieve those goals.

How Much Will It Cost?

Be clear about the cost and payment terms before you hire a lawyer. Will they charge you by the hour or is there a fixed rate? Ask all the questions you need, so you won’t have to worry about any surprises later.

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