4 Reasons for Social Security Disability Claim Denial

by | Mar 13, 2019 | Law Services

According to the most recent statistics from the Social Security Administration, more than two-thirds of claimants need an administrative hearing before they receive benefits. Why are so many claims denied at first? Here, you’ll learn the most common reasons for disability claim denial.

Your Condition Isn’t Long-Term or Severe Enough

The Social Security Administration will review your medical history and compare your condition to a set of criteria that, when met, will make you automatically eligible for disability benefits. Even with the help of a Social Security lawyer in Chicago, if you don’t meet the standard, your claim will likely be denied.

You’re Still Working or You Haven’t Been Out of Work for Long

Oftentimes, claimants work full- or part-time, but that’s a common reason for disability claim denial. Though you can apply for Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Income immediately after stopping work, to be considered permanently disabled, you must be projected to remain out of work for at least a year.

Ineffective Communication With the SSA

The SSA will send various questionnaires to you and your family, and you may receive letters requesting additional information on your limitations, medical treatment, and work history. Some claimants simply ignore the paperwork, and others don’t keep the SSA updated on changes in circumstances. These oversights are extremely damaging to a claim, and in most cases, they lead to outright denial.

Insufficient Treatment

Many disability claims are denied because of the claimant’s unwillingness to follow through with a doctor’s recommended course of treatment. When patients refuse to seek treatment or follow-up care, they not only leave a Social Security lawyer in Chicago without the evidence needed to build a case, they demonstrate that they’re not ready to help themselves get better.

Though most Social Security disability claims are initially denied, there are plenty of reasons to request an appeal. If your claim has been denied, visit us at RabinssLaw.com or call Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. to request a consultation.

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