4 Reasons You Should Replace Your Old Garage Door Opener – Garage Door Openers in Manitoba

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Garage Door

With technology advancing, newer garage door openers are safer, more effective, and more user-friendly. They may look complicated, but they are actually pretty simple pieces of technology. Even if the current system is working fine, replacing it with a newer model will add safety, convenience, and security. Here are four reasons to replace a garage door opener in Manitoba with a newer model.

Addition of a Safety Reversal

As of 1993, manufacturers are required to add a safety feature to all of their equipment. The mandate stated that all garage doors must contain two sensors that are installed six inches off the floor. They are located on the frame of the garage door, and if anything registers in these sensors, the door stops immediately and goes back up.

Excess Noise

Older garage doors are very noisy. There is a very high chance that using it at night will wake up everyone in the house. Older openers use something similar to a bicycle chain to lift the door. If you are able to see this component, you have an older system and could benefit from a newer model.

Security – Addition of a Keypad

Older garage doors make homes targets for thieves. Their remote controls function on a single, generic code. Any thief with a hacking device could open the garage door without causing damage. Newer openers use a rolling code. Because the code is constantly changing, thieves are unable to replicate this code.

Garage door openers from the past open via a remote or key. If a homeowner were to lose these items, they would need to hire a locksmith to get their door open. Newer models offer additional upgrades, including a keypad located outside of the garage door. More expensive upgrades can include a fingerprint detector, which allows a homeowner to open their door without having to remember the code.

Emergency Battery Backup

Weather patterns in Washington are unpredictable, so purchasing a garage door opener with a backup emergency battery will prevent a homeowner’s car from being stuck in the garage during a power outage.

With the crime rate increasing, ensuring that Garage Door Openers In Manitoba are up-to-date and secure has never been more important. Visit us to find out more about garage door security.

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