6 Things to Know about Your Office Fire Extinguisher

by | Sep 8, 2016 | Safety Equipment Supplies

Fire is one of the many hazards in the workplace. That’s why it’s smart to always have ways to control, manage or subdue the fire like extinguishers. And while these fire protection systems aren’t designed to last forever, with proper care and maintenance, your extinguisher can be used for as long as possible:

Regular inspections

You should inspect your extinguisher once a month, at the very least. For rough or severe working conditions, it’s better to check much more frequently.

Placement matters

Be sure to check that nothing blocks access to the extinguisher. The United States Department of Labor says OSHA emphasizes the need to ensure that that these extinguishers are put in places where employees can easily access it in the event of a fire.

Nozzle visibility

Be sure to put the extinguisher in a place where the nozzle is always visible. Move it to another spot if it’s not.

No tampering

The pin and tamper seal must also be intact. If you see any signs that either or both have been tampered with, contact a fire equipment company to have it looked at or replaced. Finding a fire extinguisher in Iowa should be easy with companies like Getzfire.

Red flags

If you see any dents, leaks or rust forming on any part of the extinguisher, that’s a possible red flag. Chemical deposits along with other signs of wear and tear are also suspect.

Pressure testing

If you’ve had your extinguisher for years, don’t forget to have it pressure tested. Also known as hydrostatic testing, this helps ensure that your extinguisher is still safe to use.

Be sure to check your extinguisher regularly. Keep it accessible and replace it as soon as you see any signs of damage. With these tips, it’s easier to take care of your extinguisher to make it last.

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