General Care Tips For Vehicle Batteries

by | Nov 14, 2016 | Electronics and Electrical

The humble battery is used in the advanced technology to the simplest gadget in the home. Batteries power our cell phones, start our vehicles and even provide us with heat and light in the event of a power outage.

While all technology is important today, keeping those big batteries in your car, SUV or truck in top working order is a priority. This is true year around, but it becomes particularly important in the winter as the colder weather sets in for the next few months.

Caring for your vehicle battery doesn’t have to be difficult, particularly with the new options today. However, routine care and maintenance can extend battery life and help reduce the risk of being left stranded.

Check Battery Age

All vehicle batteries will need to be replaced every 5 to 7 years with some lasting even up to 10 years. The new styles of batteries are low maintenance and don’t require any addition water to be added to the cells, in fact, they may be permanently sealed. However, over time the electrolytes and water will eventually be depleted, resulting in the need to change the battery.

If you notice you have to hold the key longer or the vehicle seems to hesitate before starting, take it into a local garage or service center and have the battery tested. Changing it out before there is a charging problem will prevent you from being stuck somewhere looking for a person to give you a jump.

Clean the Terminals

A simple task to complete every six months is to clean the terminals. Remove the connectors and use a wire brush and a mixture of baking soda and water in a paste to clean the surface. Use a slight amount of battery terminal protector or high temperature grease to coat the terminal before re-applying the connectors and tightening.

If you notice any leaks, cracks, bulges or irregularities in the battery talk to your mechanic or see a vehicle battery specialist. By doing this simple check twice a year you can prevent problems and ensure your battery is in top condition.

If you need any vehicle batteries, Business Name as a top selection at a great price. To learn more see us online at website. You can also follow them on Google+ for more updates.

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