Saving Money on Burial Services in San Antonio, TX

by | Dec 13, 2016 | Cremation

It can seem as if families have two choices when they are planning a funeral. They either pay more than they can afford to have something meaningful and special or they choose a thrifty option that lacks the dignity their loved one deserves. The average funeral currently costs American families approximately $8,000. This is in a country where nearly half of all adults recently reported that they would be unable to afford a $400 emergency without assistance. No one wants to hold a “below average” funeral. Burial Services in San Antonio TX may seem to be uncontrollable, but people do have options.

Choosing Funeral Companies

Many funeral services have responded to the cost concern by helping their clients to create budget-minded farewells that offer dignity without the elaborate touches that add so much to the final tally. They offer a tiered plan that lets people select a more expensive plan with all of the extras when that is what they prefer or a basic and respectful service to keep costs under control. All clients receive the same respect and care regardless of which option they choose.

Selecting Other Options

For many years people automatically made specific choices for their Burial Services in San Antonio TX because they were unaware of their options. Embalming, for example, is not always necessary. Casket rentals allow viewings prior to a cremation without the investment of purchasing an expensive casket. Cremation eliminates the need for a burial plot or a headstone. It also reduces transportation and other expenses. People save substantially by knowing what is optional and having some knowledge of other methods available.

Planning Funerals Early

Pre-planning is one of the easiest and most guaranteed methods of saving money and having the service that the deceased wanted. This is because people create their own funeral and lock in the price by paying in advance. Payment plans make it easier to cover the costs and the planner will know they have removed a financial burden from their loved ones.

Funeral planning is never a comfortable topic for anyone, but it is much easier to endure when people are not also worrying about its cost. Affordable services, pre-planning and alternative methods make it possible for people to shave thousands compared to the average funeral bill.

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