What Should Homeowners Understand About Rats Treatment?

by | Dec 29, 2016 | Pest Control

Rats can quickly wreak havoc on a home, multiplying in great numbers and spreading disease. If a homeowner happens to see a rat in their home, chances are there are more hidden in areas they cannot see. The gestation period for rats is only 19 days and they can have as many as 12 babies per litter. This is why it is crucial homeowners seek Rats Treatment at the first sign of rats in their home.

Unfortunately, rats can carry diseases that can make humans very ill. Rat bite fever, Leptospirosis, and Weil’s Disease can all be spread through contact with a rat’s urine or droppings. Rats can also cause allergic reactions in certain individuals. Unfortunately, disease is not the only danger a population of rats can spread in a home.

Rats are very damaging because of the way they create their nests. They consistently chew to keep their teeth from growing too long and will often scratch as well. Rats have caused many fires in homes and businesses because they chew through electrical wiring which then creates a spark that causes flames. Regrettably, rats can chew through soft concrete, plastic, wood, sheetrock, and even aluminum.

During the fall and winter months, rats will often seek shelter in homes and businesses. During these times full infestations can occur quickly. Rats Treatment can help to remove the population of rats from a home or business. Measures can then be taken to seal areas where rodents are entering a property so a reinfestation does not occur.

A pest management service will use pesticides and traps to remove the rats from a home. They will generally set up the treatment and then wait a few days and come back to collect the carcasses. After the rats have been removed, it is imperative home or business owners carefully clean and disinfect all areas in their home to remove any threat of disease.

Homeowners who are dealing with a rat problem are urged to contact Bowman Termite & Pest Management LLC. They provide home and business owners with the full pest management services they are in need of so their property can be free of unwanted pests. You can also follow them on Instagram for more information.

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