Considerations when Choosing Indoor Office Plants in Philadelphia

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Home and Garden

Studies show that plants in offices can improve happiness and productivity levels in employees, says The Guardian. But before you go out and shop for plants to put in your lobby, meeting rooms or reception area, here are a few considerations you’ll need to factor in:

Find sunny spots

Plants thrive in sunlight. So make sure you choose spots where your plants will receive plenty of it. Then when you’ve got those locations earmarked, consider the space you have. That way, you’ll be able to shop for indoor office plants in Philadelphia with a better eye on which ones will fit and not.

Go for low maintenance plants

Office life can get busy. You wouldn’t want to go for plants that need round-the-clock attention and care. So go for low-maintenance ones. Don’t worry, though. There are plenty of lush plants out there that require minimum attention so it won’t be hard to find one that’s perfect for your office and team.

Know your reasons

Why are you buying the plant? Is it to improve the sterile, impersonal or boring look of your workplace? Do you want to add a nurturing touch to the space? Do you want more color and vibrancy in the cubicles and conference rooms? Is it just for decorative purposes? There are plants that can considerably improve the indoor quality of your air. You might want to look into putting in a couple of plants with big, green, leaves to achieve that. Shop for indoor office plants in Philadelphia that fit the bill.

Pick the right one

Go for plants that enhance your office space rather than detract from it. If the plant is too leafy or big, it might prove distracting instead of soothing. So be careful about the plants you choose. Research on it or consult an expert for help.

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