Choosing Uniforms for Your Staff

by | Jan 11, 2017 | Clothing

Making the decision to move to uniforms for your staff is not always an easy one. But, once you’ve made the commitment, choosing those uniforms shouldn’t be a big hassle. Here are some tips to help you get good uniforms your employees will be pleased to wear.

1. Choose a reputable vendor. Your vendor is your partner in outfitting your work force. A good vendor will have a wide selection of styles and colors for company shirts. Embroidered shirts custom made for your company will also be available from a good clothing vendor. Using one vendor for company shirts and embroidery will save you time and money. Your vendor can offer work shirts, t-shirts and polo styles.

2. Choose a durable brand. Providing uniforms for your work force can be costly. It is far more costly if uniforms must constantly be replaced because they are not durable. Work with your vendor to choose clothing that will wash and wear well.

3. Remember your image. It’s important to remember that uniforms are part of your brand image and advertising. Choose company shirts embroidered in the right colors to enhance your company name and logo. It’s important to choose your color combinations wisely.

4. Choose something employees want to wear. Your company uniforms should be stylish and comfortable. If employees don’t like to wear the uniforms, either because they are unattractive or because they are uncomfortable, you will damage employee morale. Your employees should see their new uniforms as a benefit, not a burden.

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to choosing great uniforms for your company. New uniforms can put a smile on the faces of your employees and ensure your name is out front in the community, raising awareness of your business.

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