Gable Top Cartons are Versatile

by | May 5, 2017 | Packaging

The traditional shape of the milk carton, known in the industry as a gable top carton, is well known to every consumer. These cartons are convenient, easy to store and easy to reclose.

Today’s gable top cartons are used for much more than just milk. These cartons work well for snacks and powdered foods, as well as for liquids. They take up very little storage space, making these perfect for items that need to be refrigerated. While we think of these cartons as coming only in the small, half a pint, and larger half gallon sizes, gable top cartons come in a wide variety of sizes.

Gable top cartons are popular because these are made from inexpensive materials, and are simple to manufacture, so they don’t add a lot of cost to your product.

Talk with your food packaging expert about whether gable top cartons are appropriate for your food product. Making a change to this type of packaging could prove to be a cost-saving technique for your company, particularly if you are currently using very costly packaging. You might find that using gable top cartons can give your food an even longer expected shelf life over your current packaging.

Your food packaging manufacturer can design a gable top carton specifically for your needs and can give you very accurate cost estimates before the work even begins, allowing you to thoroughly evaluate whether gable top cartons are a good financial option.

Gable top containers are definitely not just for milk anymore. These versatile packages are popping up all over grocery stores, holding a wide variety of foods. These might be just the cartons you need to provide your product with an entirely new look, a longer shelf life, and a more cost-effective packaging concept.

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