While sometimes underground, most air ducts are hidden from view within the walls and ceilings of your home. In fact, many people simply forget they even exist and need to be taken care of. All too often moisture collects with in the walls of these dark spaces creating the perfect environment for mold and mold spores to do their dirty work. When moisture enters duct work it is usually through an intake vent that collects the air brought into your home. This can also occur when your home is particularly warm or humid and cold air is forced through the ventilation system causing condensation to form. Regardless of how the moisture is introduced, you now have the potential for mold growth throughout your entire home.
Signs Your Duct System May Have Mold:
You can see mold forming in or around vents
Mold is present in moist hidden areas of your home
Sudden increase in allergy or other respiratory symptoms
Strong odors of mildew
Mold Here Mold There Mold Everywhere
Moisture in a ventilation system is a dream home for mold. As air, dust and other particles are forced through the ducts it creates the perfect conditions for the mold that has already started growing. Dust provides mold with the nourishment it needs to flourish. The air rushing through the ducts also picks up mold spores, which travel through the air and can be pushed through the vents of your home. While most often mold growing causes minor allergy related symptoms that are more annoying than anything, it can also cause respiratory infections in the long run. Some mold, like black mold can be dangerous and can cause serious health problems.
Protect Your Ducts Protect Your Health
If it has been a while, or perhaps you cannot remember the last time you had your ducts cleaned, it would be a wise decision to call a professional today. For those who know they have mold, or have recurring issues with mold perhaps it is time to consider the help of companies like Duct Armor. This is a revolutionary rubberized lining that eliminates mold growth, and more importantly prevents any new growth from forming.