SSD is available to anyone who has an illness or was injured, so it makes sense that many people utilize the system. However, the laws are designed to be complicated so that it is fair to everyone, and often changes to fix inconsistencies and loopholes, which is why a social security lawyer in Evanston may be helpful. They are there to assist you with paperwork, be an advocate, and help you get your case heard quickly.
The first step is to fill out the forms correctly and send them to the appropriate department at the SSA. In most cases, the forms may be difficult to understand and may be filled with legal mumbo-jumbo that you don’t know. Therefore, your attorney can help you fill it all out.
If the SSA denied your claim, the first step is to get it reversed. Your social security lawyer in Evanston will ask for a Reconsideration, which means that the case is heard again by the appropriate department. If you are successful, it can speed up your outcome of success.
Case Heard
Once you are approved by the SSA, you are likely to go before a judge to present your case. It can be a scary time for you, especially if your future hangs in the balance. However, your attorney will be right by your side or may show up instead of you if you cannot walk. He or she will also prepare the case to the best of their ability, giving you a better chance of success.
Lawyers are great at appealing a decision by the judge, especially if they believe that you deserve what you asked for.
A social security lawyer in Evanston can help you in so many ways. Visit The Law Offices of Rabin, Kodner & Brown for a free evaluation now.