Obtaining Obedience Training For Dogs in Chicago

by | Mar 1, 2018 | Training

When a dog owner has a pet that has been displaying signs of aggression toward fencing they are contained inside of during the day, it is likely they will want to take steps to stop this behavior. There are several ways to stop a dog from chewing or scratching at a fence. Here are some tips to consider when dealing with a dog that has been causing damage to a fence.

Add Pieces Of Metal To The Interior

If a dog will not leave the inside of a fence alone, pieces of metal can be secured to panels to help keep them intact. In time, the dog will realize that metal is not pleasing to bite or scratch, and they will stop the behavior completely. The pieces of metal can be taken down from a few panels at a time so the pet owner can observe the dog’s behavior to see if they bother the fencing again. If they do, the pieces of metal can be put back on the fencing.

Consider Trying Training Courses

Bringing a dog to training classes can help to teach them that their behavior is not acceptable. A service that provides Obedience Training For Dogs in Chicago can be contacted to enroll a pet for one-on-one and group training lessons. The dog will be rewarded for positive behavior actions, helping them to stop their actions in bothering a fence when they are contained inside of it. A trainer will assess the dog’s progress and give tips to stop behavior deemed as unacceptable.

Provide Activities Inside The Fenced Area

A dog that is bored may need some activities to stop their bad behavior. Several dog toys can be placed inside of the fence to help keep the pet active. Making sure people play with the dog periodically will also aid in keeping the pet from acting out on a fence.

When there is a desire to enroll a pet in courses for Obedience Training For Dogs in Chicago, finding the right service will be important. Visit us to find out more about the courses offered or to get contact information.

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