3 Reasons to Get a Yearly Sprinkler Tune-up

by | Jun 8, 2018 | Water Pump Supplies

A lot of hard work goes into maintaining a beautiful, lush, green lawn. The seeds are sown, and the grass has the tough job of growing. However, in intensely hot, sunny areas, that grass may need a bit more help than a garden hose spray of water every once in a while. Many homeowners choose to install sprinkler systems to give their lawns the right conditions for healthy growth. However, sprinkler repair and maintenance are crucial elements towards the lifespan of your sprinkler system. If you have not considered an annual tune-up on your sprinkler system, here are three reasons why you should.

1. Your sprinkler schedule may not be the most efficient. Some patches of grass may get relentlessly watered by several different sprinklers. Some patches may not get any water at all. A yearly tune-up can identify problems with the sprinkler schedule, and make the necessary adjustments to ensure your lawn is getting the right amount of water.

2. Leaks or issues with water pressure are just two problems that may spring up in the underground system. And neither one of these problems is immediately noticeable to the untrained eye. An annual tune-up can identify these problems, and offer sprinkler repair solutions to stop the issue.

3. It can save a lot of money. Those underground issues can go on unchecked for a long time. If no annual tune-up is in place, the only way you may notice there’s a problem is a dramatic increase in your water bill. Annual inspections offer a preventative solution for issues that may be very manageable if they are caught early enough.

Regular sprinkler system inspections and routine sprinkler repair are necessary components in the long run of a healthy lawn. Keep on top of the functionality of your sprinkler system, and your lawn will stay happy and green for a long time.

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