Find A Pleasant Location For Puppy Boarding in Lorton, VA

by | Sep 4, 2018 | Animal hospital

Every pet owner faces a dilemma when they go out of town for a few days or even if they must go to work every weekday. Some animals are just fine left at home alone during the workday with sufficient water, food, and toys. Other pets aren’t okay with being alone for more than an hour or two. They become anxious and show their frustrations by damaging the home and furniture. No animal is okay being left at home alone for days and days while their owner is traveling. Pet boarding is one great answer, but puppy boarding in Lorton VA is hard to find.

Pet Boarding

A new puppy or kitten does not do well left alone for hours on end. They need special care until they become adult animals. So, if their owners must work or travel, care arrangements must be made. Some people are lucky enough to find pet sitters for in-the-home care. Others must find puppy boarding in Lorton VA or kitten boarding options. Luckily, some excellent veterinary hospitals such as Business Name offer both veterinary services and animal boarding by the day or overnight.

Boarding a pet in a veterinary clinic has the advantage of help being close if medical issues come up. Pet owners can arrange to have periodic vaccinations and well checks done during the boarding time. They can also arrange for needed grooming to be done during the pets’ stay. So, when they return, they pick up a happy, well cared for animal that has been groomed. It sounds like a winning situation for everyone.

Health emergencies

Every pet owner has experienced the stress of a sick or injured animal. The dog got out and was hit by a car, the cat was playing in the yard and got attacked by a bigger animal, or the animal ate something wrong and is violently sick. All of these situations require immediate veterinary help and care. Having a veterinarian who is familiar to the animal makes the treatment less stressful.

Young animals must be spayed or neutered to control the animal population and keep them healthier. Animals can become ill for no known reason and need veterinarian help to determine what is wrong and provide treatment. Well cared for pets live longer, happier lives. Go to the website for additional information.

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