When it comes to getting the right frame for your artwork and important documents, there are five important things to consider that the best local frame shops in Los Angeles will ask you about.
One of the most important factors to consider is what you can pay for your frame because it will determine what can be done and how creative you can be with your frame job.
Local frame shops in Los Angeles will also ask about your color preferences. This includes colors you like and dislike, as well as colors used in your home’s decor.
Another important thing to consider is what materials you want to use for your frames. Plastic, metal, wood and synthetics are all popular frame choices these days.
Local frame shops in Los Angeles will also talk with you at length about the style frame you want. You should choose a style that complements your decor and the piece itself.
The final factor to consider is how long you want the frame to last. Some are meant for temporary or casual needs and others are designed to last a lifetime.