Knowing What to Expect with Surrogacy

by | Feb 26, 2013 | Home And Family

If a woman is considering herself as a candidate to be a surrogate mother, then she will need to think about whether or not it could cause problems with her husband or significant other. Some men are really supportive of their partner’s decision, but others are absolutely livid over the thought. Stress in a relationship can be extremely damaging, so this is an important thing to ponder before making a final decision. Most healthy women will have no trouble with their pregnancies, but occasionally complications can arise that would make it impossible to conceive a baby in the future. If a woman is seriously considering surrogating for a couple, then she will need to understand this risk, and think about whether or not she is willing to take it if she is not done having her own children. Bed rest, reduced activity and multiple births are common in pregnancy, especially if IVF is used as a method. If the prospective parents want gestational surrogacy, then you will have to consider if you want to run the risk of having a multiple birth as well. One birth is hard enough, but multiple births can really drain a woman physically and emotionally.

The Risk Involved with Surrogacy

A woman should think very carefully if she is contemplating the thought of becoming a surrogate mother. The reward level is high, but the process can be an emotional roller coaster as well. There are many things that will have to be factored into the decision. The first thing she should think about is how healthy she is overall. If she has health issues, then she may not be allowed to be a surrogate anyway. She will also need to think about how much support she has, and whether or not she has had any problems conceiving children in the past. A good support system is essential for surrogate mothers, because they will have a lot of conflicting feelings in most cases. Even though they are totally unselfish in giving something as special as a baby to couples who can’t have children on their own, they still may have a hard time letting go once the baby is born. Counseling and support is available for surrogate mothers who may be experiencing these feelings.

Cost Factors with Surrogacy

Surrogate mother cost California estimates are around $35,000 maximum in most cases. This price is just a ballpark estimate, and it can raise or lower depending on what the needs of the surrogate mother are, and how complicated her pregnancy will be. Whether or not the parents have medical insurance that will cover the cost of surrogacy will also be a factor in how much they will have to pay. If they have insurance, then the cost will obviously be less. Other states are comparable with costs associated with surrogacy.

Creating Families offers surrogate mother cost California estimates to all prospective clients. They are highly respected in the industry.

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