Landscaping in Westport Connecticut can be accomplished to attract a multitude of birds when the property owners love watching the winged creatures flit about, make nests and raise their offspring, and enjoy plenty of food. Many people are fond of particular species, like cardinals, robins, and chickadees. They’ll want to ask the landscaping service to focus on trees, bushes and other plants that are attractive to those birds.
Berries in Autumn
One important strategy is to grow trees and other plants that have berries in autumn. People are often surprised when they see flocks of robins in September and October gathering in yards where the birds find delicious fruit they can munch on. Normally robins don’t group up this way, but they’ll do so when migrating south and stopping for meals. The right Landscaping in Westport Connecticut can bring about this appealing display.
Fruit for Winter
Some plants, like the holly shrub, have berries on into winter. This food is helpful for those robins that don’t migrate, and for birds that stay throughout the year. Blue jays and cardinals are prime examples. Holly berries are not the favorite fruits for birds because the berries aren’t sweet, but they provide essential nutrients when no other fruit is available.
Flowering viburnum is another popular shrub because of its beauty. This shrubbery has more than 150 varieties, and it grows well in nearly any climate. Birds will appreciate the shrub’s berries in fall and early winter.
On Into Spring
Staghorn sumac, as planted by an organization such as Northeast Horticultural Services, is startlingly beautiful in fall as its leaves turn crimson. The berries are superb for attracting birds in winter because they last through spring, as long as the feathered critters don’t eat every single one.
Providing Shelter
In addition to providing food, these shrubs and bushes allow the birds to have cover most months of the year. It’s also a good idea to have the landscapers plant some evergreens for winter greenery. Some forms of holly are evergreen. Anyone ready to get started on these projects may browse the website at the earliest convenience.