How To Work With Your Renton, WA, Massage Therapist

by | Dec 27, 2018 | Healthcare

A therapeutic massage is designed to address pain, stress, and tension in specific areas of the body. The massage therapist is trained and licensed by the state and has to meet specific professional standards, including an extensive examination, in order to practice in the Renton, WA, area or throughout the state.

Used as a standalone treatment, or in conjunction with chiropractic treatments, it is an effective way to increase circulation to the soft tissue, allowing for faster healing, pain reduction or elimination, reduction of muscle tension and stress and elimination of associated discomfort.

Always choose an experienced, professional massage therapist. These professionals typically work with chiropractors and are located within the clinic. This makes it easy for patients to work with the chiropractor and the massage therapist during the same appointment time.

First Appointment

The first appointment with the massage therapist is always a bit of an unknown for those new to working with these professionals. At the first meeting, the therapist will review your health information and find out about the issues you are experiencing.

He or she will also talk to you about any other health conditions you may have, including any medications you may be taking or other treatments you are undergoing.

She or he then determines the most effective massage therapy to use given your specifics. The session is conducted in a private room, with a specialized massage table. Many massage therapists in Renton WA, play relaxing music and use a variety of pillows and supports to make you comfortable.

The Process

The therapeutic massage typically lasts about 30 minutes but may be as long as 90 minutes, depending on the specifics for the patient. The therapist may use different techniques and may use lotions or oils to make the process more comfortable and soothing. The therapist also checks in with the patient throughout the session, ensuring they are comfortable and relaxed. They also explain the process they are using to patients, providing information and answering questions throughout the session.

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