Benefits Provided by Recycling in Long Island, NY

by | Mar 7, 2019 | Recycling Center

Like most parts of New York, Long Island includes active recycling programs. Local waste management experts like V. Garofalo Carting Inc. coordinate the programs and ensure that recycled goods are picked up, sorted, and forwarded to manufacturers. Citizens support Recycling in Long Island NY because it helps conserve critical natural resources. Re-purposing materials like tin cans, plastic, and papers help protect ecosystems and reduces the amount of energy used during manufacturing.

Recycling Helps Conserve Natural Resources

Thanks to Recycling in Long Island NY, tons of paper, plastic, glass, and metals are reused instead of being sent to landfills. Not only does that free up more green space in towns, but it also helps protect the Earth’s resources. Recycling wood and paper saves trees. That is especially critical to rain forests, which cannot be recreated. Recycling plastic keeps tons of debris out of the environment and minimizes the need for fossil fuels that are used to create plastic. Recycling metals minimize the need to extract virgin ore from the earth. Recycling glass saves certain types of sand that are in short supply

Recycling Protects Wildlife and Ecosystems

The tons of materials that are recycled each year reduce the need to destroy ecosystems to get raw materials. Entire villages and forests are often destroyed to get timber. In the process, rivers are polluted or diverted. Mining ore destroys wildlife habitats and leaves miles of land unusable. Dozens of animal species are displaced when natural habitats disappear, causing some animals to become extinct as a result. Simply recycling plastic can save sea life that is dying because of the plastics thrown into the sea.

Recycling Can Save Energy

It takes less energy to create new products from recycled items than raw materials. Manufactures use 95% less energy creating items from recycled aluminum than raw metal. They use 70% less energy recycling steel than creating products from ore. Manufacturing with recycled paper requires 40% less energy than working with virgin wood fibers. Recycling glass conserves enough energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for as long as 4 hours.

Long Island, N.Y. citizens who want to conserve natural resources and protect ecosystems actively participate in recycling programs. Recycling also helps reduce the need for landfills and saves enormous amounts of energy.

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