In industrial processes, the use of pumps is crucial to high quality production. The general public rarely considers how important displacement pumps are to the products they use every day.
Displacement Pumps
For example, the cost to manually move fluids from a one-thousand-gallon tank of oil would be prohibitive in terms of labor and timeliness.
In addition to being cost-effective, displacement pumps are also a workplace sanitary and safety measure. The basic operative of a displacement pump is to distribute viscous fluids from one location to another as process throughput.
In processes with food grade quality fluids, processors must rely on displacement pumps to prevent other equipment parts from contaminating the fluids with oil and other types of residue. Displacement pumps are also important in the processing in dairy, pharmaceutical, biomedical and beverage industries.
How Do Displacement Pumps Work?
Displacement pumps are fed by an inlet usually in a specified chamber. This type of pump relies on reciprocating parts and are also designed with a flowmeter to control flow. They are designed with differential pressure specifications. The pump moves fluid at the prescribed flow rate to an enclosed tank or container.
Highest Quality Process Pumps
Clearly, when the process requires careful attention to control of fluid throughput, the wise choice is the highest quality pump. Murzan Pumps rank as having the highest quality, greatest efficiency and most cost-effective.