Simple door and window detectors can be purchased on the internet or at hardware stores, sometimes for as low as $15 each. These alarm systems detect when a point of entry is opened and usually trigger an auditory response to notify the inhabitants of an unwanted breach. These devices operate via a magnet on the unit itself and the window or door that is triggered when the two points are no longer touching. A more thorough explanation can be found in various online sources.
Motion sensors operate just as the name suggests: they monitor an environment and sense motion. Alarm systems of this nature use several different wavelengths of energy to scan an area and can be triggered by movement in the room. False positives are always possible, so many models can be calibrated to ignore animals. This prevents your pet from triggering an intruder alarm. Placement and choice of wavelength are key with motion sensors. This guide can help with further details on how to do that properly.
Most alarm system companies also sell complementary products that can be used together. This usually means that the same brand of window and door sensor can be coupled with a motion sensor, which is usually operated via a smartphone. This makes it possible for alerts to be sent to your device, all with a DIY mindset that only requires you to buy and install the components.
For consumers who prefer to avoid the task of getting several different devices to communicate successfully with each other, there are subscription-based services available that will send a technician to install the alarm systems for you. Although alarm monitoring services can be quite pricey, the benefit of certified installation and 24/7 monitoring can be well worth the cost, as emergency services can be dispatched at a moment’s notice when you need them.