A Pet Wellness Exam in Alexandria, VA can Extend the Life of a Beloved Pet

by | Oct 10, 2019 | Animal hospital

Responsible pet owners understand the importance of taking care of their beloved pet’s health. There are a few things an owner can do to ensure their pet is healthy and happy. One of these steps includes making sure they take their pet in for a pet wellness exam in Alexandria, VA.

What is a Wellness Exam?

Much like a human physical, a wellness examination is a complete physical that includes diagnostic testing for a pet. The examination is often scheduled when the pet is due for their vaccinations.

What Happens During an Examination?

When a pet undergoes an examination, the following can be expected:

  • Physical examination. The veterinarian will use specialized equipment, including a stethoscope to listen to the pet’s heart and lungs, and an ophthalmoscope to examine their eyes. Many veterinarians will also perform testing on blood and urine samples to ensure there are no abnormalities.
  • Evaluation of joints. Veterinarians will also evaluate the animal’s joint for signs of arthritis or other sources of pain.
  • Additional tests. Depending on the pet’s age, current medical condition, and medical history, the veterinarian may recommend additional tests.

After the exam has been completed a veterinarian may recommend the following:

  • Food adjustments. Food adjustments are often recommended for weight management and/or diabetes.
  • Exercise routines
  • Pain management therapies
  • Medications

How Often is an Exam Needed?

It is important that a pet receives their pet wellness exam in Alexandria, VA at least once per year and twice per year for any pets over the age of nine.

Benefits of an Exam

When a pet owner takes their pet in for a wellness exam, they may experience two very important benefits.

  • Extended lifespan. Exams extend a pet’s life by addressing health issues prior to becoming critical or life-threatening.
  • Savings. Catching health issues in the early stages saves a pet owner their money. It is much easier and more cost-effective to treat health concerns in their early stages than at the more advanced levels.

A consistent regimen of veterinary care, including pet examinations, preserves the lives of pets and minimizes the need for costly veterinary bills. For more information, visit the website

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