The Pros And Cons Of Invisalign Clear Aligners In Huntington Beach

by | May 23, 2024 | Dental Health

When it comes to straightening teeth, Invisalign Clear Aligners in Huntington Beach are a top pick among many. Afraid of what people might think about their metal-wrought smile, people are often hesitant to choose traditional braces, especially as adults. Despite being clear and hard to detect, what else does Invisalign offer that makes it stand out from wire braces, and what are its downfalls? Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of Invisalign and find out if it might be the right choice for you.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a company brand that offers clear mold aligners that are difficult to detect when placed over teeth. Their function is to straighten your teeth without the unnecessary embarrassment of having to wear metal braces.

Invisalign offers patented Smart Track technology that promises 75 percent predictability in straightening your teeth. Your dentist will design these customized molds to fit your teeth and gum line for natural and comfortable wear.

What Are the Pros of Invisalign?

Other than being difficult to see, Invisalign offers it’s users a chance to remove their aligners at times when it may be inconvenient to have them in. Examples are situations such as photographs, special occasions, or sleeping. The ability to remove the molds also lends itself to easy cleaning. Simply remove, add toothpaste, and brush them with a toothbrush. The molds will then be clean and ready for use.

What Are the Cons of Invisalign?

Oddly enough, some of the benefits of Invisalign can also pose as cons. For example, because Invisalign’s molds are clear trays that are simply placed over the teeth, they may have little effect on a smile that is severely misshapen or has large gaps. Traditional braces can be much more effective in these cases. Furthermore, although Invisalign clear aligners can be removed at the user’s convenience, they are required to stay situated in one’s mouth no less than 22 hours to be effective. That only leaves two hours in the day for them to be removed. These aligners must also be removed when eating or drinking anything that isn’t water.

What’s the Bottom Line?

Overall, Invisalign offers many benefits that can make them worthy of trying. Be sure to speak with your local practitioner about where to find Invisalign Clear Aligners In Huntington Beach or where to have traditional braces installed. Bear in mind that your orthodontist will need to check your specific situation to ensure that Invisalign clear aligners in Huntington Beach are the right choice for you.

To learn more about Invisalign Clear Aligners in Huntington Beach, contact Magic Fox Orthodontics today.

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