2 Reasons Why Your Septic Tank May Need A Repair And Who To Visit In Milton DE For Help

by | Jan 16, 2020 | Septic Tanks

Have you recently noticed that almost every drain in your home seems to drain at a very slow pace? Perhaps you have also noticed a pungent, foul, and suffocating smell coming from the drains. It could be the water, it could be clogged pipes, or it may perhaps be your septic tank. Today, we will talk about 2 reasons why your septic tank may need a repair and an experienced company in Delaware who offers its services.

Little to No Maintenance

Believe it or not, septic tanks also need maintenance. It is suggested to have your septic tank serviced by professionals once every 2 to 3 years. Maintenance services may include inspection, record keeping, and pump-out services. If you have not maintained or had your septic tank serviced and are experiencing some of the previously mentioned issues, you may need your septic tank repaired. Click here for more information.

Tank Age

If you have not had your septic tank serviced before, you may not know the age of your home’s septic tank. Septic tanks will eventually need replacing. On average, you can expect that a septic tank that is at least 20 years old will need some form of repair and perhaps even total replacement. If possible, try to find your home’s inspection records. Excessive tank age is another reason why you may need your septic tank repaired.

Experienced Professionals

The professionals at McMullen Septic Service have over 60 years of septic tank experience and knowledge. They offer septic tank repair, inspection, and pumping services. So when looking for an expert septic tank repair contractor in Milton, DE, look no further than to McMullen Septic Service.

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