If you really want to be the envy of all your friends, then a high-end condominium in West Chelsea is an absolute must. These New York City condos provide their residents with an exceptional living experience that is more akin to living in a work of art than an apartment building. Centered around incredible one-of-a-kind works of art, such as the world-famous Vessel, a modern condominium in West Chelsea provides a highly immersive experience in which you may fully enjoy the pleasures of your wealth.
A World of Shopping at Your Fingertips
Outside your front door you will find some of the most impressive shopping to be found anywhere in Midtown Manhattan so that you can easily get a new watch and a new wardrobe all in one place. Along with having all of the shopping and restaurants you could ever possibly need just a matter of footsteps away from your front door, you will also be immersing yourself in some of the most refined and luxurious interior spaces by choosing to live in high-end New York condos.
Live an Art-Filled Life
Truly, the interior spaces found in these buildings are incredible one-of-a-kind works of art featuring backlit tapestries that provide for an unforgettable experience walking past them even just once. Of course, residents get to enjoy works of art like these on a daily basis, and at the center of their artistic lifestyle are the panoramic views that may be had from their personal apartments. With ceilings that are over 10 feet high, and windows that span from the floor to the ceiling, it’s easy to imagine why these views are second to none, especially if you take into account the fact that these apartments are situated as high as 72 stories above the art districts below. To view some of the most extraordinary New York City condos available today, visit 35 Hudson Yards.