Four Tips for Understanding the Process of Buying Digital Gold in the US

by | Feb 2, 2021 | Gold Dealer

For cautious investors, digital gold is the perfect way to invest. Since online investing can be confusing for some first-time investors, these four tips are designed to help you understand the process involved when you buy digital gold.

What Is Involved in Buying Digital Gold?

When you invest in digital gold, you purchase gold online from an authorized vendor. That vendor then keeps the gold in storage for you, until you decide to sell the gold or have the gold delivered to you.

What Type of Commitment Do You Have to Make?

When you purchase gold online, your initial investment can be no less than 1 gram. After your initial investment, your online gold platform will determine how long you can hold onto the gold before you need to sell it or take possession of the physical gold. In some cases, you will have a maximum of two years, while other platforms will give you a five-year maximum.

What Determines the Price of the Gold?

The price of the gold you buy online is determined by the price of gold in the live market. In addition to that price, you may pay for customs and a Goods and Services Tax (GST). The rate for digital gold can begin at prices as low as one rupee.

What Type of Gold Purity Should I Expect From Online Vendors?

When you invest in gold online, it is important to know what type of purity level you are getting upfront. If you are interested in investing in online gold, it is important for you to research the reliability of the vendor you are choosing. The purity level that you want to aim for is typically 95 percent to 99 percent.

PMC Gold is an online gold vendor, and they can be contacted at

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