Don’t Pay High Private Pay Medical Bills When You Can Get Health Insurance In Nocatee FL

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Insurance

You may not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid and are paying high private pay medical bills. You can eliminate this problem by getting Health Insurance in Nocatee Fl. Health insurance can leave you only paying a co pay at the doctors instead of the normal office visit which can be well over a hundred dollars. There is a common misconception that health insurance through a broker or agent costs more than purchasing it directly from the insurance company which is not true. In addition, brokers or agents search various health plans for you to suit your needs.

When you purchase Health Insurance in Nocatee Fl be sure:

  • The plan works for you and not for things you don’t or won’t use.
  • The insurance is reputable.
  • They pay claims in a timely manner.

The best thing about using an agent for your health insurance company in Nocatee Fl is you can ask them questions. You don’t have to sit on hold for hours like you do with big Insurance companies. Purchasing insurance on the navigator on the exchange can be confusing and there will be many questions that only an experienced insurance agent can answer. When you call the Navigators from the exchange, they have had a 40 hour training course in insurance but have not had the experience that a certified insurance agent has to answer your questions.

Another thing a certified insurance agent will bring up is your prescription coverage. Some insurance plans actually have no prescription coverage. This could leave you paying hundreds and thousands of dollars for medication especially if you’re on maintenance medication for your heart or diabetes. A certified agent can also direct you to the proper prescription coverage based off of your needs and no one else’s. Keep in mind that the lowest premium is not always the best premium. You need to have insurance coverage that covers your needs.

Don’t bother using the government navigator when you can talk to a live person and discuss your healthcare needs with a private insurance agent. They will guide you to a plan designed for your needs and give you the pros and cons of each plan. With a certified insurance agent you no longer have to pay private pay medical bills to hospitals and doctors and can lower your expenses dramatically.

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