There can be up to 90,000 bees in a colony, so the sight of a large swarm of them can be intimidating. If you have honey bees, these bees have been bred to be non-aggressive. Still, it’s a good idea to call a exterminator for bee removal. The exterminator will want to relocate the bees, because they Honey bees are beneficial insects that help with pollination, so they’re an important factor in maintaining nature’s delicate balance.
Honey bees collect pollen from flowers and carry it back to the bee hive in pollen baskets on their hind legs. They collect nectar by partially ingesting it and carrying it back to the hive in an internal part of their body called a honey sac. The hive is filled with honeycombs, where they store their pollen and nectar. When the bee spits up the nectar out of the honey sac, the bee adds an enzyme to the nectar that changes the nectar into honey.
The social structure of honey bees starts with the queen or queens, who mate with the males, called drones, and lay the eggs for the hive in cells of the honeycomb. Usually, there is only one queen per hive, although there can be more than one. The other females in the hive are called worker bees. It takes up to four days for the new eggs to hatch into larvae. The larvae each remain in their own individual cells within the honeycomb, and it is the job of the worker bees to keep them fed. Depending on whether the larvae is a future queen, drone, or worker, it will take up to 24 days for the new bees to reach adulthood. Each new queen bee mates with more than one drone, and then she flies off to start her own hive with a swarm of worker bees going with her.
The worker bees are the ones who actually sting. Each bee has a stinger with a poison sac that contains the bee’s venom. This venom is not fatal unless a person has a sensitivity or allergy to bee venom. When worker bees sting someone, they lose their stinger, which remains in the person’s skin, and the bee dies. When you reach an Exterminator in Peachtree City GA, the exterminator can help you identify the type of bees you have.