When You Should Seek Help from Neck Pain in Boca Raton FL

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Orthopedic clinic

Neck pain is not a pleasant experience. Since your neck is responsible for holding your head up, it can become bothersome to experience chronic pain in that area. A few of the common reasons this pain occurs are accidents or overuse at work, normal aging, poor posture at a computer and traumatic auto accidents. Luckily, not every neck issue needs to be treated with surgery, but it is recommended to seek help from doctors of neck pain in Boca Raton FL to alleviate the pain.

The Various Pains

Some pains result from damage to the muscles or tissues. This is common in sudden injuries that result in whiplash or a sudden jerking of the neck. In addition, patients can suffer from cramps or sprains in the neck, which are also typically a result of a sudden accident. Overuse injuries, poor posture and degenerative issues could cause problems with the actual discs in the vertebrae. Over time, the herniated discs could cause damage to the spinal cord and cause pinched nerves that cause pain in other areas of the body.


There are a variety of symptoms for which people seek help from doctors of neck pain in Boca Raton FL, some of which might not even be related to the neck. Depending on where the inflammation or injury is in the neck, patients might feel pain going down the arms and legs, as well as pain in the face or head. The area of injury or illness determines just how a person shows symptoms. Any limited mobility in the neck, chronic pain or sudden onset of pain should be examined by a doctor.

Treatment Options

As with any injury, there are a variety of treatment options. Most doctors will start with the least invasive procedures to try to help the issue, including anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy and rest from normal activities to give the muscles and ligaments time to heal. In more extreme cases, steroid injections might be administered as well. If none of the standard treatment options work, the doctor might recommend surgery to repair the damage and provide you with some relief.

If you suffer from neck pain, whether it was a slow onset or a sudden injury, it is always best to consult with reputable doctors of neck pain in Boca Raton FL. These specialists will be able to thoroughly examine your neck and any other affected areas to determine the best mode of treatment to give you long-term relief. For more information visit Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group.

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