Your Guide to Roof Repair in Spokane Valley, WA

by | May 28, 2024 | Roofing

Hopefully, a roof repair isn’t something most homeowners have a lot of experience handling. Here’s what you should know before starting a roof repair in Spokane Valley, WA.

Repair or Replace

Your first decision will be whether your roof needs a simple repair or needs to be replaced entirely. If your roof is relatively new or the damage is contained to a single spot, a repair is likely the right choice. Major dips, cracked tiles, or widespread damage will likely necessitate a full roof replacement instead.

Who’s Liable for the Bill

A roof repair in Spokane Valley, WA, for normal wear will likely fall on your shoulders. However, your need for a repair has most likely been caused by the weather. Storm or harsh weather-related damage may be covered by your insurance. However, depending on the cost of the repair, you may want to pay out of pocket. Using your insurance will likely raise your rates, so you’ll want to weigh whether it’s best for your wallet to pay out of pocket or let your insurance cover it.

Tips to Avoid Scammers

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who pretend to be credible roofers. You should be wary of anyone who shows up right after a storm to pressure you into a repair. You want to look for a roofer in Spokane Valley, WA, who has references, provides a contract for the work, and doesn’t require the entire payment upfront. It’s common to make a down payment, but you shouldn’t pay for the whole repair until it’s done.

If you need a roof repair in Spokane Valley, WA, contact Flattop Roofing Inc. for honest and reliable roofers.

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