Tips to Get the Most Out of Your SOA Exam P Practice Exam

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Education

Taking a practice exam is one of the best ways to prepare for any exam, including SOA’s series of exams facing future actuaries. Practice exams help you see if you retained the knowledge that you studied and identify areas where you need the most work. Here are some tips for how to make the most out of taking an SOA Exam P practice exam.

Make Sure That the Practice Exam Is High Quality

As more and more people are interested in becoming actuaries, study resources are cropping up left and right. However, not all study resources are of the same quality, and some may hinder your preparations. Make sure that you get your practice exam from a trusted organization that does extensive work on preparing future actuaries, as you want it to be as close to the actual exam as possible.

Replicate Real Exam Conditions

To get the most out of an SOA Exam P practice exam, you want to make sure that you are taking it in conditions as close to the real test as possible. That means removing all distractions (especially your phone), not looking at your notes, and timing yourself precisely. If you can do anything else to simulate real test conditions, do it.

The reason you want to do this is to get an idea of how you will perform under actual test conditions. You’ll know what to improve on, and feel less shocked once you go in to sit the real exam.

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