How to Prepare to Share a Two-Bedroom Student Apartment With a Roommate

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Student Housing Center

Renting 2 bedroom apartments in Blacksburg, VA is exciting because you can make a lifelong friend. Of course, meeting your roommate can also be a nerve-wracking experience. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare for renting a student apartment with a roommate.

Schedule a Meeting

Schedule a time to meet your roommate in advance. You can hold this meeting in the community clubhouse or a nearby coffee shop. Use this meeting to get to know one another and decide if you are compatible as roommates. This way, you have time to contact the university if you realize you are incompatible.

Discuss Shared Chores

Once you meet and know your roommate, discuss shared chores to ensure the apartment stays clean. This includes dusting and mopping the shared areas and taking out the trash. It is up to you to keep your private bedroom and belongings clean.

Share Daily Schedules

When renting 2 bedroom apartments in Blacksburg, VA, it helps to share your daily schedules. For instance, your roommate may work an early shift before classes, so you want to avoid hosting guests late at night. This also allows you to plan shared dinners, outings, and chores around one another’s schedule

Establish Boundaries

You and your roommate should establish boundaries to ensure your time together is comfortable. Examples include knocking before entering the bedroom and asking before borrowing an item. Address problems directly rather than using passive-aggressive comments or actions.

If you are looking for 2 bedroom apartments in Blacksburg, VA, consider Alight Blacksburg. You can find more information on the units at

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