What is a tankless water heater?

by | Sep 14, 2018 | Earticles Site

A conventional water heater is a large insulated tank, water from the source is fed into the tank and then, using either gas or electric, the water is heated prior to distribution through the home via pipes. If the power supply is electricity, an element is what heats the water, if the water heater is powered by gas, an open burner is used. A Tankless Water Heater in Bainbridge Island does not have a large tank which is used for central distribution; the water is heated at the point where it is used. Tankless water heaters have been used for years in Europe and parts of Asia and are now gaining in popularity in the United States and Canada.

A Tankless Water Heater Bainbridge Island is also called an “on demand water heater.” This definition is accurate because prior to turning it on, water remains cold; it is not heated until it is needed. This system is more energy efficient because a utility, either electricity or gas does not have to be used to keep the water hot when it is not being called for. A conventional water heater will cycle on and off all day and all night whether hot water is required or not. These units also have the benefit of size, they are far smaller as there is no need for the holding tank, they also require less plumbing as only the cold water supply has to be installed; there is no need for hot water pipes running to each tap or consumer in the house.

Although the initial cost of having a installed at every point, over time the expense will be amortized due to lower utility bills. Depending on the number of tankless heaters in the house, the energy saving can easily be as much as 20%.

The tankless water heaters work in a similar fashion to a conventional water heater, it’s just that the heat is on demand. The unit itself has an electric heating element or a gas burner which automatically kicks in the moment the tap is tuned on to draw water, the hot water is almost instant.

Over and above the savings on power, the life expectancy of tankless water heaters is considerably longer because there is less possibility of corrosion as water is not held in a tank.


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