Your Options for Lower Back Pain Treatment

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Pain Control Clinic

Are you looking for options to address lower back pain in Minneapolis, MN? It might be time to speak to your doctor. If you are not sure where to begin the conversation, here are a few options your provider might suggest:


Medication is usually the first step in the treatment process for any type of pain. Doctors generally recommend beginning with the least invasive treatments, and that includes medications with the fewest side effects.

  • OTC medications – Options include Tylenol and NSAID medications such as Advil or Aleve. Topical treatments are also available for localized pain,
  • Muscle relaxers – Your doctor will have to prescribe these medications, which relieve pain and stiffness by relaxing muscles.
  • Prescription pain relievers – These are the drugs with the most side effects and are also available only with your doctor’s prescription. They are generally only used in the short term to prevent addiction or dependence.


Your doctor may also suggest injectable pain relievers, such as steroids or other substances. These work in a very localized way to relieve the pain in specific areas and can be very effective. They are best used in moderation, though, as some have side effects that compound with each subsequent treatment. Ask your doctor about these effects before committing to treatment.

Alternative Medicine

Some providers recommend approaching your treatment with alternative medicine options, such as chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, and more. These treatments often work well alongside other, more traditional medicine and are generally considered safe under professional supervision. Always consult your regular doctor about whether these therapies would be compatible with your current treatment plan before choosing an alternative treatment option.

Surgical Intervention

Surgery is the last resort for most providers, as they prefer to offer noninvasive treatments first. However, surgical treatment can be effective and even curative in some cases, depending on the root cause of the patient’s back pain. Talk to your provider about your surgical treatment options and what recovery would look like for you. This may be your best path forward to relieve current back pain and prevent future damage. To know more contact Twin Cities Pain Clinic today.

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