Make Regular Visits To The Veterinarian In Windsor Locks CT

by | Jul 2, 2013 | Animal

Your pets have just as much need for routine health care as you do. While your dog or cat may seem to be feeling just fine, it can be tough to know for sure that nothing is going wrong if they are not being checked out properly. If you want to make the most of your time with your pet, make sure they get to the best veterinarian Windsor Locks CT for regular visits so that they can get their vaccinations and annual exam.

Vaccinations are an important ingredient to keep almost any pet healthy. You should come up with a plan for what shots your particular animals will need with the help of your vet, though you should keep in mind that a vaccination for rabies may be a requirement for dogs in many areas. Even the furry family members that stay indoors should still get their shots, since there is always a risk that they will manage to sneak outside and introduce themselves to a neighbor or a wandering stray who is ill. When the risk of getting sick is so severe and the method of prevention is so simple, it makes no sense not to take this step.

It is also important to get an annual exam, just like it is for humans. Even when your pets are young and healthy, something might go wrong that you don’t even notice. This is also a great opportunity to check on things like weight, to make sure the number of treats they get hasn’t gotten too far out of control. It also offers a chance for your vet to get a sense of how your pet is normally, including what healthy blood work looks like. This can be vital if they become ill and as they age, so that there will be something to compare later tests to.

If you want to keep your pets healthy, you need to give them the right medical care. Making a yearly trip to see the Veterinarian Windsor Locks CT is important for detecting, preventing, and treating a number of conditions that might show up. Make an appointment at The Windsor Animal Clinic if your pets are due for their yearly check.


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