Considerations When Hiring a Fort Smith Property Manager

by | Jul 3, 2013 | Real Estate

Landlords know they will need the quality services of a professional management company in Fort Smith if they fully understand the process of what things are needed to efficiently manage rental properties.  A real estate asset management company will be an excellent asset in most cases.  However, there are countless things property owners should consider before they seek out professional property management services in Fort Smith.

Reporting Things Often and Accurately

A management company that is not completely transparent with their transactions and activities is not good.  Your management specialist should compile monthly reports for every single one of your properties under their control.  The report will most likely resemble a summary report that will detail all transactions related to your properties.  The report will list issues as well.  Renter names, monthly rental amounts, CAM payments, and other types of important information will be delivered on this one report.  It will detail all income and expenses, so property owners will be able to see, at a glance, how their properties are performing.  The reports will list which tenants are past due on their rent, and they will calculate the total amount, including late fees, the tenant owes.  Property managers can often customize these reports, so if landlords want something special not listed on the report, then all they have to do is ask in most cases.

Who Receives Late Fees?

If a renter needs to be late on their rent, then they should be obligated to pay not only the rent but the late fees as well.  Late fees are intended to pay the landlord for their inconvenience and for any costs they may have sustained in trying to collect the late rent.  Some management specialists may believe they are the ones who are entitled to the full late fee amounts since they are the ones who work hard to collect the fees, but they are not correct.  They may get some of the fees, but they should never receive the bulk of the money.  It really depends on how a landlord’s contract is written with the professional management company they have employed.  Property owners should always ask up front what a management company’s policy is regarding late fees.  Owners do not want to give up money that is rightfully theirs, so they need to check these policies before employing the company.

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