Help From A Long Island Family Attorney

by | Jul 16, 2013 | Law Firms

Scalescollaboration-150x150Going through a divorce is never easy. There’s often a lot of discussion and mediation that needs to be taken care of. For couples who have children or shared assets, the process can be even more arduous. It’s recommended to get help from a Long Island Family Attorney. They will help during the case and fight to get the desired outcome.

There are many forms of divorce. The time it takes for the divorce to be finalized is often determined by the type of divorce and the assets the couple has. A no fault divorce is often much easier to go through. These are for couples who wish to make no accusations regarding a reason for divorce. It’s easier for couples without children. An at-fault divorce is more complicated and requires the aid of a Long Island Family Attorney. This type of divorce requires proof of wrong doing such as adultery or desertion. Aggressive Long Island Family Attorneys would be needed to plead the case and gather appropriate information regarding the case. They are vital in court proceedings because the outcome could affect any assets the couple shares as well as child custody should they have any. Cases like this are difficult without the knowledge of an attorney.

Many Long Island Family Attorneys have divorce mediation services. These are discussions between the two parties that are held with a merightdiator present. They are important for making decisions that could affect both sides. Couples with children for example need to discuss things such as custody and visitation rights. The mediator will be there to prevent the discussion from getting out of hand and promote healthy communication. Other aspects such as child and spousal support, retirement plans, property distribution, and much more are all discussed during mediation. These important issues affect both sides as well as any children they may have. In the end, the couple will hopefully come to an agreement with the help of a mediator.

While divorce is never easy, help from a Divorce Mediation & Family Services Family Attorney in Long Island can make it much smoother. With all the various aspects involved with divorce, it’s good to have someone there to help assess the case and aggressively fight to reach a resolution.


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