In addition to completing court reporting school, many states require that aspiring professionals become nationally certified. Fulfilling the role of a court reporter is no easy task without the necessary training and certifications. Extensive linguistic skills, knowledge of computers and software, diligence, and concentration are essential for any court reporter. Therefore, when you’re looking for a court reporting agency to meet your transcription or videography needs, it’s important to keep in mind that experience counts. Different certifications correspond to various skill levels and abilities, such as real-time transcription or a broad understanding of legal terms.
National Certifications
Generally, there are three certification options available to court reporters through the National Verbatim Reporters Association. First, is the Certified Verbatim Reporter, or CVR. This test assesses an individual’s speed, precision, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and understanding of medical and legal jargon. Second, is a Certificate of Merit, or CM, which is considered a step up in terms of difficulty, and denotes increased speed, exactness, and understanding of linguistics and terminology. Third, is the Real-time Verbatim Reporter, or RVR. Reporters who are able to transcribe in real-time are highly sought after because of their level of skill and ability to caption. Real-time reporters are also able to produce readable drafts, which save clients’ money as they don’t have to purchase finalized transcripts.
The Right Professional
Other certification options are available to reporters who wish to expand their employment opportunities. For example, a court reporter with aspirations to work within the federal court system will need to go for an FCRR, or Federal Certified Real-time Reporter designation. Or, reporters with experience in utilizing digital equipment for transcribing purposes can become Certified Electronic Court Reporters for large courtrooms or classrooms. However, if you need real-time transcripts completed by the end of a deposition, lecture, meeting, or other event, a certified RVR court reporting agency would have the talent, knowledge, and capability to get the job done efficiently and cost effectively.
For trained, real-time transcription services, choose Jersey Shore Reporting. With over 800 years of combined experience in their field, they possess the know-how to deliver the services you’re searching for. Visit us to learn more about what we can do for you.