For those looking to speed up their metabolism to help with fat burning and weight loss, choosing 100% natural herbal metabolism pills option over an artificial stimulant is always the best option.
With artificial stimulants that can include a wide variety of different products and chemicals, the results of regular use, or in a higher than normal dosage, can be serious. This often happens when people use these metabolism pills, and then also combine them with energy drinks, sodas or coffee, or perhaps a combination of all three.
The side-effects of these types of combinations can include rapid heart rate, difficulty in breathing, tremors and shakes, anxiety and agitation, restlessness and the inability to sleep.
Herbal Options
Herbal metabolism pills are much gentler on the system without giving up the powerful fat burning and weight loss properties. These products will include a range of different herbal ingredients, including ginseng, a powerful ingredient to help to regulate blood sugar, giving sustained energy without the slumps typically found after a meal.
Also, look for metabolism pills with include the B-Vitamin complex. Research has shown that low levels of any of the B Vitamins will result in lower energy, poor stamina and low energy production throughout the body.
Vitamin B3 is particularly important as this vitamin is directly involved in supporting over 50 different metabolic processes in the human body. To get the metabolic system working efficiently having a daily supply of this vitamin is a must.
L-taurine and caffeine are essential in providing an energy boost to prevent slumps and times of fatigue throughout the day. By taking a supplement instead of relying on coffee and energy drinks, there is no need to worry about the jittery after effects and the risks of combining multiple caffeine products mentioned above.
When choosing the best metabolism pills, it is also essential to carefully read the label and check the dosage requirements. This is the recommended dosage, and for maximum effectiveness of the supplement it is important to follow the instructions.
Some of the lower quality metabolism pills require multiple pills per day to provide the system boost to see improvements in weight loss and fat burning. On the other hand, top quality products will typically be restricted to one to two pills a day, generally one in the morning and one before the scheduled daily workout.