One of the most common reasons that people abandon their pet cats is due to litter box issues. Sadly, many cat owners do not care enough to find out why their felines no longer use their litter boxes and make the necessary changes. Caring cat owners will. Here are tips from on how to deal with a cat that will not use the litter box.
Must See Vet
There are many medical reasons why cats eliminate inappropriately. These reasons are often manageable, such as diabetes, arthritis, and urinary tract infections. These problems will get worse over time if left untreated. Make an appointment for your cat to see Veterinarians in Oregon to find out what is wrong. The sooner a condition is treated, the sooner your cat will be able to use the litter box again.
Not Cleaning Litter Box Often Enough
No one likes to use a filled toilet. In the same way, your cat does not like to use a dirty litter pan. Ideally, litter should be changed every time your cat uses the pan. More realistically, litter boxes should be changed at least twice a day. If you have more than one cat, that makes the litter box dirtier quicker. There should be a litter box for each cat.
Other Problems With Litter Box
Cats will not use a litter box for many reasons. If the litter box is placed near food and water, cats will eliminate elsewhere. Who likes to eat while sitting on or next to an unflushed dirty toilet? Cats may not like the litter material. If you have recently changed litter, try going back to the old litter to see if that makes a difference. Cats that are teased by dogs, other pets or small children in the rooms where their litter boxes are will also stop using the litter box.
Behavior Issues
Has there been a change in the house such as a child going off to college? Has anything fallen on your cat as he or she was using the litter pan? Cats can develop aversions to the litter box for behavioral reasons. Talk to Veterinarians in Oregon to find a cat behaviorist to help. Some practices like Website Oregon have a cat behaviorist on staff.