Most auto accident cases involve liability suits, which aren’t always covered by a driver’s insurance policy. Auto accidents can be upsetting experiences, and the recovery process does not make the aftermath any easier. It can be confusing to deal with insurers when one isn’t sure of the value of their case. An auto accident lawyer in Harford County, MD who knows how to deal with insurance companies can handle most accident cases.
Insurance and Accident Compensation
Auto insurance plays a significant role in accident liability. Most jurisdictions require motorists to have coverage, which ensures that most of an accident’s costs are paid by the private sector rather than the state. When an insured party is in an accident, it’s typically the insurer’s job to handle compensation. For these reasons, insurers become involved right away, and they are motivated to settle for as little as possible. Insurance laws, including no-fault coverage and minimum amounts, vary by jurisdiction.
No-Fault Coverage
About half of the country uses a version of the no-fault insurance law. Under no-fault rules, parties are kept from suing one another because damages are covered by each driver’s policy. If a motorist has questions about the state’s no-fault status, they should consult a local attorney.
Liability and Compensation
An injured party is entitled to compensation for injuries and losses stemming from an auto accident. While most cases are handled through insurers, others are resolved through the courts under the theory of negligence.
Determining Fault
If a case goes to court, fault is determined there. Both sides present their versions of events, and the judge or jury weighs the facts, makes findings and assesses blame. Factual discoveries are based on depositions, statements and testimony, as well as police reports, physical evidence and witness statements.
Should a Victim Hire a Lawyer for an Accident Liability Issue?
If one is in a car accident and they are contemplating filing a suit, or if they are facing a lawsuit because of an accident, an auto accident lawyer in Harford County, MD can help evaluate the case. The attorney with can help the client work with insurers, reach a fair settlement, or move the case to trial.
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