Creating a comfortable environment relies on establishing an air conditioning system that accommodates the entire household. Once an adequate system is chosen, these are a few items to discuss with the contractor as part of the installation process. This will help ensure that things run smoothly and the system can commence operations.
One of the items to discuss with the A/C Installation Contractor is the duct work. If there are rooms or spaces where additional venting needs to go, the ducts need to be run prior to the installation. The system also needs to be inspected for leaks or if disconnection has occurred. A system cleaning should also be done prior to installation. This will prevent a rush of dirt from flowing through the system when it is first turned on.
Another item to discuss is the placement of the unit. If this is outside, a concrete platform is a necessity to prevent dirt and dust from getting into the unit. The unit should also be shaded to protect it from the heat of direct sunlight. Shade should come in the form of an awning or an overhang. Trees should be avoided due to dropping leaves. Shrubs and surrounding foliage will need to be trimmed back to ensure their debris don’t get into the unit.
Make sure to discuss any final concerns regarding temperature control with difficult rooms with the A/C Installation Contractor. This includes rooms that contain a lot of windows, have an unusual ceiling height or have been difficult to control in the past. This can pose a challenge to adequately cooling the home even if the unit is ideal. Additional measures such as installation, replacing windows or adding extra vents can help improve the comfort of these rooms without placing an undue stress on the air conditioning unit.
The duct system, unit placement and difficult rooms should be addressed prior to installation of a new air conditioning system. While choosing a system is important, all of these issues should be addressed before the unit goes into place. Contact All Service Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. for more information regarding the installation process. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.