Washington D.C is home to the president of the United States and many other prestigious positions and people in the corporate world. How you present yourself on the job hunt directly relates to the area you’re applying for a job in. If you’re attending a corporate interview, you won’t want to dress too casual and have a scruffy appearance. If you’re thinking about moving to the big city for job opportunities and don’t have the best smile, you may consider dental implants in DC.
A Great Smile is Essential
It may seem shallow to think that you may need work on your teeth to land a great job, but your teeth silently say a lot about you during a job interview. First impressions are everything when initially meeting a hiring manager, and it’s important to work on your appearance and how you carry yourself. If you have teeth troubles that go beyond a cleaning, dental implants may be the solution for you.
Your Smile Matters
It has been statistically proven that a smile matters during a job interview. Kelton Research has found a conclusion through a study that shows this. These studies have found that if you’re applying for a job in the forefront of the company, even if you’re only sometimes working with people, blunders in your teeth are bad and are noticed. This research company also found that 45% of individuals that have straight and well-kept teeth are hired more than those who do not.
Dental implants can improve coloring and placement of teeth, sending a more professional and put together appearance out to the public. For an area as competitive as Washington D.C, going above and beyond for the job will benefit you in more ways than one. Gain back your confidence and attain your dream job when you receive the right dental care.