A Domain Whois Database Offers Plenty of Information

by | May 7, 2013 | Computer And Internet

If you have ever wondered who owns a website or wanted more information about a particular IP address, you may have wondered how you could find that information. For instance, if you visited a website and couldn’t find any contact information, how would you contact the owner? The answer is actually quite simple. You would need to complete a query on a domain whois database. This will provide you with all the information you desire.

Owner Information

Most people choose to look at the whois database to find out who the owner of a website is. When you enter the web address into the search field, it will pull up a long list of information on that particular domain. You will be able to see the name of the person or entity that owns the site, as well as other contact information, such as a telephone number, physical address or email address. You can then use this information to contact the owner directly.

Expiring Domains

Sometimes you want to start up your own website, but the domain name you want for your site is already taken. While you can always choose a different one, you can also choose to use the domain whois database to find out when that domain will expire. Once you know when it will expire, you will be able to keep a watchful eye on whether the current owner renews it or allows it to expire. If it expires, you can purchase it for yourself.


In some situations, the only thing you may be concerned with is the location of the person or business that owns a website. For instance, if you are trying to determine the validity of a business that claims to operate out of a specific location, searching the domain name in a whois database will show you exactly where the domain was registered. This can help you verify the location of a company and help you decide if they are legitimate.

Using a domain whois database can be an important tool in the Internet world. Whether you want to verify the company’s location, learn how to contact the website owner or watch for a domain to expire, entering the specific domain into a whois database search can provide you with all the information you require. With this simple search, you will quickly have all the answers you seek.

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