Accidents Happen: An Automobile Injury Attorney in Boston, MA Can Help

by | Jan 23, 2019 | Attorney

A severe accident can leave a person with injuries that can affect their lives forever. When someone has been hurt due to another person’s irresponsible act, the victim should contact an automobile injury attorney in Boston, MA as soon as possible. Many insurance companies have legal experts working on their behalf to mitigate the money victims should receive.

When a victim hires an attorney, they can feel easy knowing their case will have the necessary attention it needs and that the attorney will be fighting for the betterment of the client. The victim can focus on recovering from the physical and emotional harm incurred.

Automobile Accidents

In the past, there were roughly five million automobile accidents in the United States with little to no damage to many fatalities. It happens to almost every person.

After a serious auto accident, injured victims often find that they are unable to work and therefore face expensive medical bills for the care necessary to heal. This takes a physical, emotional and financial toll on the injured person and their family. Automobile accidents are also very hard to prove, which is why an experienced professional should be involved.

Other Services

The professional working at the law offices of Burton J. Hass is not only specialized in incidents involving automobile accidents but personal injury cases as well.

Types of Personal Injuries

Dog Bite

Millions of people in the United States are injured by dog bites every year. Dog owners may be held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs. Dog bites can result in serious injuries, permanent scarring, and emotional trauma. Victims of injuries from aggressive or vicious dogs may be entitled to compensation for their injuries from the dog’s owner.

Wrongful Death

If an individual passes away due to the injuries caused by a negligent act, family members such as a mother, father, brother, sister or child could file a claim against the accused party. Upon evaluating the situation, the compensation might go directly to the person who is filing the case or will be deposited into the estate for distribution wishes.

If you have been the victim of an auto accident, please contact an automobile injury attorney in Boston, MA right away. Visit the website for the information about a free consultation. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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