After a bus accident what are the things to do?

by | Aug 14, 2013 | Lawyers and Law Firms

After any bus accident the first order of priority is to see that urgent medical attention is given to those who need it. If possible, those involved in the accident should make an effort to record all the details that they can, these details include the plate number and name of the bus, the drivers name and if a camera is available, take as many pictures as possible of the scene and the surroundings. Passengers should exchange contact information in the event of legal action. Once a medical exam has been made and recorded, those involved should next seek the services of a bus accident attorney in Las Vegas.

If you are involved in a bus accident assess your own injuries and then make an assessment of any injuries of those passengers around you. When medical assistance arrives on the scene, those with the direst injuries should be given care prior to those with less serious injuries. Everyone in the bus, whether there are any apparent injuries or not must be evaluated, this is especially true for babies and expectant women.

Those who can should set out to gather information; if at all possible photographs should be taken from every conceivable angle. If there is going to be a case, the bus accident attorney in Las Vegas will need all the physical evidence available. As a case may end up be class action, there should be someone who gathers all the personal information about the other passenger; names, phone numbers and addresses especially. If possible, the passengers should provide a statement while the details are fresh in their mind; these statements are usually a part of the police investigation and form part of the records of the incident.

As the action will be handled with a personal injury attorney it is very important that the details of the bus, the plate number, owner and driver details are made available. There is a chance that the responsibility for the accident will fall into the lap of the driver so his details are extremely important.

Do not procrastinate in finding an attorney; there is only a limited window of opportunity for a case to be filed in court. Working with a common attorney insures that different individuals don’t take independent action which may jeopardize the case.

If you have been a passenger on a bus that figures in an incident, you will need a bus accident attorney in Las Vegas.

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