When a couple gets married, they often believe it will last forever. In many instances, this simply does not happen. One spouse might depend on the income of their partner to survive. When the couple breaks up, the spouse might feel anxious about making ends meet alone. However, California is an alimony state. Numerous factors are considered when the judge is asked to award alimony. A skilled attorney can get the Alimony Upland spouses need to move forward with their lives.
The California Family Law Code as well as appellate court cases that interpret the codes are the basis for a judge to determine if a spouse will get alimony. The spouse must prove they need support and the other spouse is able to pay it. A judge reviews a variety of circumstances to determine whether to award alimony and the amount that will be granted. For example, the judge considers the marital standard of living. Each spouse should be able to enjoy a similar standard of living after the divorce. A judge will review how long the couple was married before the divorce papers were filed. A spouse might be married for many years and depend on the other spouse’s income. The judge goes over the work history during the time of the marriage. Other factors are also considered such as each spouse’s employment prospects in the future. For example, if one spouse took care of the home and children they might not have specialized training to get a job right away. The ages and health of the spouses are considered. The judge also goes over the value of the marital assets that are divided and distributed during the divorce.
The Alimony Upland spouses rely on makes a big difference in the quality of their lives. A skilled attorney who is knowledgeable about family law can help a spouse get alimony payments by presenting the case effectively. Sometimes the attorney handles the situation through alternative dispute resolution. The divorce case is settled outside a courthouse through mediation or settlement. If a spouse needs to go to court, the attorney represents the party’s interests fully.